Worried About Your Security Bond? Hire Our Affordable End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Services Now!!!

End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne


Relocating to new home from your rental property is exciting as well as a tiresome and time consuming task and above all if you have agreed for the end of lease cleaning Melbourne in your rental agreement then the things becomes quite annoying and frustrating! According to end of lease agreement – you need to restore the property back to its original condition so as to get your bond back, if you left it in the same condition then you will have to forgo your bond. Remember that security bond money is normally equivalent to a full month’s rent so is worth cleaning it professionally!!!

We at Carpet Steam Cleaner are a professional cleaning service firm and deemed as one of Melbourne’s most reliable cleaners. We have years of industry experience and we’ll ensure that you are 100% satisfied with our work. Our team of skilled cleaners has got the means and know-how to bring any property to pristine condition.

Our End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Checklist includes all of the following:


  • Brush walls
  • Wipe outdoor air conditioning units
  • Dust light fixtures
  • Sweep & mop floors


  • Brush walls
  • Dust light fixtures
  • Wipe door bell
  • Sweep & mop floors


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Screen/security door dusted
  • Wipe internal & external cupboards/drawers (including hinges & drawer tracks)
  • Wipe light/fan fixtures
  • Wipe power/door bell/light points
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe internal & external cabinets (including hinges and drawer tracks)
  • Wipe light/fan fixtures
  • Wipe power/light/TV points
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills
  • Wipe air conditioner (external)


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe light/fan fixtures
  • Wipe power/light points
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills
  • Wipe air conditioner (external)


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe built in wardrobes/drawers/mirrors (including hinges and drawer tracks)
  • Remove wall marks from inside built in wardrobes
  • Wipe light/fan fixtures
  • Wipe power/light/TV point
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe light/heating fittings
  • Wipe power/light points
  • Detail baths & taps
  • Clean shower screen/walls/taps
  • Clean basin and taps
  • Wipe mirrors/cabinet/vanity (including hinges & drawer tracks)
  • Wipe towel rails
  • Clean toilet/cistern/seat
  • Wipe toilet roll holder
  • Air vent dusted
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills
  • Shower recess to be free of soap and mildew (plastic shower curtains to be replaced where applicable
  • Mould removed from tiling, shower screen free from soap scum.


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe internal & external cupboards/drawers (including hinges & drawer tracks)
  • Remove oil build up on cupboards & handles
  • Wipe light/fan fixtures
  • Wipe power/light points
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Wipe window sills
  • Wipe bench tops & splash back
  • Clean sinks & taps
  • Clean stove top (including knobs) and ensure all are left in the off position
  • Clean oven
  • Clean exhaust fan/range hood (including light)
  • Wipe out dishwasher & clean filter
  • Wipe out refrigerator & and seals


  • Door/door frame & handle wiped
  • Wipe shelving & benches
  • Wipe internal & external cupboards/drawers (including hinges and drawer tracks)
  • Wipe light fixtures
  • Wipe power/light points
  • Wipe skirting boards
  • Sweep floors, and remove any oil stains or any other markings (where applicable)
  • Room walls scrubbed


  • Carpets to be professionally steam cleaned. A receipt as proof will be required, please leave at property.
  • Mop Floors


  • Wipe & clean balcony or verandah glass sliding door
  • Clean internal windows, ledges & frames
  • Clean external windows, ledges, frames & fly screens
  • Remove cobwebs


  • Clean all blinds
  • Doors, walls, windowsills, floors and skirting boards to be cleaned and marks removed
  • Cobwebs to be removed
  • Light fittings cleaned and dusted

So the next time whenever you are in needs of end of lease cleaning Melbourne, simply give us a call and let us do what we do best: cleanout the place to excellence!
